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Podcasts Tasbih Amin Podcasts Tasbih Amin

Streamline Your Operations and Scale Up

Starting, building and growing a business is exciting. But in the first couple of years, it's easy for things to get out of control. Balls get dropped, tasks fall through the crack, and what was once fun and exciting can become a headache.

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Marquis Murray Marquis Murray

Our Founding Story - The Ditto Effect

I rarely lose things. Keys? Nope. Phone? Nope. Wedding ring? Nope. I can say this with confidence because for as long as I can remember I’ve always had a safe place for everything. Come into the house, keys in the bowl, take off my wedding ring, put it on the shelf at the front door.

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A team casually looking over a laptop

Process improvement begins by tapping into your team's hidden potential