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8 Tips for Writing Clear Standard Operating Procedures (with examples)
You've been assigned to a new project at a high managerial level. To get it done, you hire five new members to your team and need to get them up to speed as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Would you rather sit down with each new member and give them a workshop on each and every company policy, technology and process?
The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Consultant vs. a Consultancy Firm
When it comes to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your business systems, there are a few different options you have when it comes to who you hire.
7 Email Management Best Practices at Work for 2024
There are three things in life that are inevitable; death, taxes and emails.
On most days, it appears as though all you do is read and respond to emails, yet somehow, your inbox remains a bottomless pit. You’re not alone in this, given that the average professional checks their email around 74 times a day.